Academic integrity policies and laws
Academic integrity is the commitment of the trainee to high -end literary values and the educational honesty in order to achieve his academic success in a responsible way, and we do not forget that education is an investment for your future. The heart of society and its basic daughter determines the credibility of people in their dealings with each other, and in the trust of members of the community to officials in centers and high positions.
◉ Our role is to support and enhance academic integrity in the training community by raising an environment that prevails in the spirit of academic confidence, honesty, fairness, respect, and responsibility for trainees, trainers and workers and implementing the academic integrity policy of TCHT.
◉ TCHT Center for Training is responsible for creating an environment with high levels of academic integrity by strengthening it as an essential part of the personal and intellectual growth of the trainee, increasing the awareness of the trainee, trainers and employees of issues related to academic integrity, and enhancing a climate that prevails in the spirit of trust, honesty and high moral standards in pursuit Achieving academic excellence, encouraging commitment to honesty and integrity between all members of society and applying the provisions of the academic integrity policy.
Forms of violation of training and academic integrity as a motive for plagiarism:
There are many forms of behavior that are considered against the criteria and principles of academic integrity.
Fraud: The trainee is prohibited from transferring the actions of others and the unauthorized use of any observations, information and materials in the tasks assigned to the trainee.
- Intellectual theft/ literary plagiarism: quoting the phrases and work of others, and the unlicensed use of intellectual and literary blogs or any information in any academic test, without referring to it as a reference.
- The misuse of academic assistance: The exploitation of a trainee for the work of a colleague who provides him with academic assistance is a good intention, such as being transferred from a special report that this trainee or from an old test without informing him of this.
Exploitation of cooperation: The trainee’s dependence on another trainee within his group to accomplish a joint duty/work, or the exploitation of another trainee to accomplish individual duties.
- Fabrication and forgery: The trainee changes the information available to him or fabricated him in an academic test/ duty, or highlighting a false medical report in order to absent from the attendance.
- Perception of the personality of others: The trainee claims the adjective of others within the class, or in a test or exam, or in any kind of training or academic duties. In this case, the trained trainee is punished with the personality of others, and the trainee of the vocalized personality is punished.
- Other plagiarism works: The trainees who sell lectures, notes, papers, or research work during their registration in the center, or who accept financially for their actions for others, without obtaining a prior written approval from the center’s administration who will be subject to disciplinary measures. As well as the trainees who provide models or consequences with false information, or forged or misleading signatures; They will be subject to disciplinary procedures, and they will be required to withdraw from the program without any compensation or appreciation.