TCHT follows the following policies regarding attendance at training programs:
1- Simultaneous attendance through virtual classes is considered equivalent to regular attendance, and this is ensured through the following procedures:
· Choosing the appropriate time for trainees to ensure their simultaneous attendance and interaction with the training course.
· Providing a link to the training platform to all trainees registered in the course early.
· Initial preparation of course participants by the technical support employee.
· · Preparation during the course and after the break sessions.
· · Final preparation at the end of the course.
2- The number of participants allowed in synchronous virtual classes in training for qualifying and development courses is as follows:
25 trainees, and the number of trainees may increase by 25% in the synchronous virtual class based on:
o Course Type
o Activities and interaction
o Trainer’s experience in delivering e-training
· If the number of those enrolled in the program exceeds 26-50, it is necessary to add a trainer as an assistant to the primary trainer. If the number exceeds 50 trainees, an assistant to the primary trainer is calculated for every 50 trainees. The increase percentage (25%) is not included after the number of trainers exceeds 50 trainees.